Monday, 2 March 2009

The Broom and Broomgroom

Catechism classes and exams are still a very great source of entertainment at home even today…..

Last Sunday was the annual Catechism exams for the girls. This is soo stressful as it coincides with the annual exams at School. I somehow force the girls to study for the catechism exams; always threatening them with consequences if they do not pass the exam like staying back and repeating the class next year when everyone else moves on the next class ( but in reality thinking about the one on one meeting with the Head mistress if they were to flunk the exam)

After the exams, the girls were excited as they had answered well and were hopeful of scoring good marks. I was going through Rose’s question paper and she was giving me the answers to the questions (I do not bother to do this for their school exams ) and found an interesting question

“ What is the important factor in Marriage” ( and this to a IVth std kid )
I asked her if she had answered the question and she says confidently, “yes, the broom and broomgroom have to agree for the marriage”. I rechecked with her to see if I had heard right. She gives me a strange look and repeats the answer. I burst out laughing